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No matter whether you crave a little or a lot, chocolate is addicted and targets the same area of your brain as heroin does. On top of having an opiate like effect on your brain, chocolate also contains caffeine, theobromine (a stimulant similar to caffeine), phenylethylamine (an amphetamine-like substance) and also traces of compounds similar to THC (the active ingredient in Marijuana). So you are fighting a physically addictive substance here and it shouldn't be taken so light heartedly!

I use this during "downtime" at work. I can't pull out a paperback and read it at my desk, so with the Amazon Kindle app, I can discretely read a novel at my desk with no one being the wiser.

Treat yourself to a massage. If you cannot get your significant other to give you one, head out to a massage salon. Getting sổ còng out of your muscles will help you relax. Do this as often as you can afford or as you feel is necessary. The less tension your muscles carry, the better you will be able to deal with stressful situations.

Shake, rattle, and roll your way out to eat. We've all gotten into a stalemate with a spouse or group of friends when deciding where to eat. Avoid annoying, "I don't care, you decide" dialog with the Urban Spoon iPhone & iPod application! Urban Spoon finds your current location via GPS. With the shake of your iPod (or by pressing the "shake" button), slot-machine style wheels spin 'round and 'round, selecting a nearby city, cuisine, and price. When the wheels stop, Urban Spoon picks a restaurant for you. If you don't like what it selects (ugh, Applebee's again?!), press the button to spin the wheels again. It's like playing Russian Roulette with your dinner plans!

It's a parade of creativity - there are soapbox cars built like spaceships, boats, buildings, animals, you name it. And the drivers often dress up too! The cars must adhere to the following guidelines: must have a minimum of 3 wheels, be gravity powered, cost less than $300 to make, and be less than 5 feet wide and 12 feet in length. Only 39 cars are allowed in the race - 18 of the fastest advance to the preliminaries, then the 6 fastest go to the finals.

If you are lucky enough to have a used Book store in your neighborhood, or if you library holds regular surplus sales, start your book hunting there. I am very much in favor of supporting small locally owned businesses (like your neighborhood used Book store) and money from library surplus sales is usually used to acquire new equipment for the library, most of which are critically under-funded.

A direct mailing campaign offers many attractive features. It is an effective and convenient way to get information about your business and products to your customer base right in their own homes or businesses. It is easy to catch your customers eyes with attractive brochures, and you can hold their attention as they peruse your ads at their own leisure. It is also a good way to get your information to a large group of people and is extremely economical! In addition, your potential customers will find this marketing technique less annoying than intrusive methods like telemarketing.

Eat regularly to avoid getting overly hungry. Five mini-meals spaced out throughout the day may work best. But if that is too hard to accomplish go for three main meals with two healthy snacks.