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Porsche Taiwan 在國內的經銷網絡建置又有新布局,繼 2018 年 7 月的保時捷新北、保時捷高雄,以及 2019 年 3 月開幕的全新保時捷敦南展示中心等據點後,近期也確認新增的保時捷新竹經銷權,將由香港上市公司利星行集團所拿下。此外,保時捷在台南地區的經銷權,U-AUTOMOTIVE 則也掌握到將於 5 月份開始遴選,後續究竟是由誰取得經銷權,將是市場關注重點。 約十年後,英國也開始發展汽車,到 1900年初葉美國才開始汽車的生產製造,初期由於市場需求小,產量少,仍停留在手工裝配之訂貨少量百年前的汽車生產狀態。直到 1910 年左右,Henry Leland 把汽車零件標準化,使很多不同車型的零件可以互換,Henry Ford 發明裝配線生產力式,不再是傳統的工作站生產方式,改為用輸送帶 ( Conveyor ) 移動性一貫作業方式,汽車工業開始邁入「大量生產」的新紀元。在標準化作業方式之下,品質、性能、安全、舒適大幅提高,相對地,汽車製造成本大幅降低。<br />而現今的共軌燃油噴射系統則可將上述的缺點一一消除,因為共軌系統則採用類似汽油噴射引擎的控制方式,高壓柴油是使用高壓泵浦來加壓 (約加壓至 1600~2000 bar,依各個車廠而定),再將加壓後的高壓柴油送到一個共同油軌 (Common Rail) 中,此共同油軌裝有調壓閥,能使其中的油壓保持一定,並將多餘的柴油透過回油管送回油箱。再由此共同油軌連接個別的高壓油管到位於各個汽缸的壓電式 (註一) 或電磁控制式噴油嘴,使噴油嘴中隨時充滿高壓柴油。而 ECU [https://forcegmbh24.cn/ F.O.R.C.E. GmbH] (噴油可能分為 three 至5 段) 的控制訊號給噴油嘴驅動裝置,由噴油嘴驅動裝置產生作動噴油嘴的電壓及電流並送至噴油嘴,使高壓柴油依電腦控制的通電時間及週期噴入燃燒室中。這樣的控制方式可使噴油嘴進行多段式的噴射 (例如先期噴射控制燃燒及噪音,主噴射產生動力,後期噴射清除碳粒) 並使噴射量得到更精密的控制。且高壓泵浦、調壓閥、噴油嘴等的運作均由 EUROPEAN 來控制也可減少柴油引擎燃油系統的機件數量,達到輕量化的目的,並讓引擎噪音、震動、性能、油耗及環保都能有效改善。<br /><br />品牌:法國 Para Kito 品名:法國天然精油防蚊手環 材質:聚脂纖維產地:法國包裝內容:手環 1入+防蚊精油片2入保存期限:3年尺寸:長25x寬3cm (手圍16~23cm以內適用) 該腕帶採用通用尺寸”設計,可隨意調節。 品 名:【STRAIGHTFORWARD LIFE】好神拖360度旋轉拖把組-腳踏式S320規 格:標準型主拖把架x1件、脫水桶x1件、拖把布盤x3件 配 件:組裝、使用說明書及產品售後服務卡x1份 尺 寸:主拖把架長124cm 、拖把布盤(直徑35cm、耐磨纖維材質) 重 量:0.54kg 材 質:塑膠主體、鋁合金、TPV彈性塑膠、耐磨纖維材質 產 地:100%台灣製造 注意事項:請依照商品外盒之操作說明書使用。 辦理商品退換貨時,請連同包裝與配件一併寄回,否則視同缺件無法受理。<br />
Infosurv Research's Insights Reports always Get accolades from our clients. We like to think they are different -- and better -- from the ordinary marketing and advertising research report. Why? Since we focus on directly answering the project aims and helping our clients make better business decisions.<br /><br />There aren't any hard and fast rules for writing a great marketing and advertising research report; indeed, each report is customized to the project accessible. <br /><br />First of all, you want to get your reports read. After all, if nobody reads themyou could as well not write them, and you probably should not invest in doing research! Keep your reader in mind as you build the report and think creatively about how to present the information in a means that makes it effortless for the reader to absorb. Format, text, images, video -- all these are great tools to provide information. But use them !<br /><br />Here are just two of our favorite tips for better promotion research reports:<br /><br />Answer the Objectives. The objectives justify the cost of conducting the research. Make the objectives the beginning point of your document. If all you do on your report is answer the objectives, you don't have to do anything else.<br />Do not be a servant to your own format! You might have always written text reports, but your research topic may be better expressed in PowerPoint, Excel or perhaps in a movie format. Be creative and use the arrangement that best communicates the info. Additionally, there are many sources that inform you how to write a research report, but today, those sources are obsolete. <br /> No matter how wonderful your report, there'll always be those supervisors who simply don't have the time to browse the entire report. If it is possible to boil down the information to the main replies, the ones that address the objectives (hmmm, this might be significant ) and present it onto a one-or-two page picture dashboard or scorecard, do it. At a minimum, write an executive summary that includes just the information managers will need to create the business decision in the center of the project. (See #6 below for more information on Executive Summaries.)<br /><br />Tell an interesting story. Nobody likes to see about data points. Telling a story makes your research results accessible and direct the reader to implementation. Stories are also more memorable, so your findings will become guiding principles for future decisions.<br />Be brief. Research has demonstrated that we humans are studying less and less. A lot of text on a page can be intimidating and also discourage readership.<br />Be organized. From the executive summary, present the study results that answer the goals, starting with the most important objective In the comprehensive findings section, keep the identical sequence of information. From the executive summary, it is possible to direct the reader into the proper section of the detailed findings by supplying a page reference, which makes it effortless for them to find the specific information that might interest them.<br />Put a minimum of methodological information at the beginning. Methodological details are dull for non-researchers. Contain only the details which the reader needs to know to understand the context of the information you are presenting. Who will be the respondents: customers, prospects, the general public? How big is the sample size? How can you collect the data? When was the study conducted? That's the kind of information which will help your reader understand how to translate the results. (See #10 for more details regarding the content of the Appendix.)<br /><br />Use images rather than words and data when possible. Is a picture worth 1,000 words? It depends upon the words, of course, but the simple fact remains that right pictures can communicate complex concepts efficiently. Particularly for Those individuals That Are reluctant to read, imagery can be a lovely <br />Make it easy to read your charts. Graphs are frequently the center of advertising research reports, therefore be careful to ensure that they don't confuse your reader.<br />Use the identical scale on each one of your charts for both axes. If one axis ends in 30% and the next ends at 90 percent, then the reader may not see the difference and might misinterpret the information (especially if they're not carefully reading the report!)<br />Maintain the same colors on charts throughout. If high Top Box score is blue on a single graph and green on the other, you may confuse your viewers. When the 2014 information are green on one slide and the 2015 information are green on another slide, then it can be misinterpreted. Keep colors consistent to prevent the inadvertent Where possible, use the same color palate as the manufacturers depicted on your report.<br />Be [http://marketresearchbase.com market research report] to include the exact question wording with each graph or table. Frequently while reading research reports (or seeing research demonstrations ) the audience will wonder how the question was worded to assist them understand the information that they are getting. Do not make them search through the questionnaire. Just set the exact question at the bottom of the graph or table.<br />Make sure to include the base size with each table or graph. Without comprehending that programming logic may affect the base dimensions, readers assume that every respondent answers all questions, again possibly leading to miscommunication. Make sure you include the base sizes in the report.<br />Utilize the Appendix for&quot;less significant&quot; information. Any information that doesn't directly address the project objectives, for example methodological detail, details regarding your analysis as well as other miscellaneous information, shouldn't enter the primary report. Include it in the end of the report within an Appendix.<br /> While you, as a researcher, might be more comfortable with more detail, so it is your job to generate information accessible to your clients. Using these suggestions will go a very long way to making your research actionable -- along with educational and entertaining.

Revision as of 10:48, 12 October 2019

Infosurv Research's Insights Reports always Get accolades from our clients. We like to think they are different -- and better -- from the ordinary marketing and advertising research report. Why? Since we focus on directly answering the project aims and helping our clients make better business decisions.

There aren't any hard and fast rules for writing a great marketing and advertising research report; indeed, each report is customized to the project accessible.

First of all, you want to get your reports read. After all, if nobody reads themyou could as well not write them, and you probably should not invest in doing research! Keep your reader in mind as you build the report and think creatively about how to present the information in a means that makes it effortless for the reader to absorb. Format, text, images, video -- all these are great tools to provide information. But use them !

Here are just two of our favorite tips for better promotion research reports:

Answer the Objectives. The objectives justify the cost of conducting the research. Make the objectives the beginning point of your document. If all you do on your report is answer the objectives, you don't have to do anything else.
Do not be a servant to your own format! You might have always written text reports, but your research topic may be better expressed in PowerPoint, Excel or perhaps in a movie format. Be creative and use the arrangement that best communicates the info. Additionally, there are many sources that inform you how to write a research report, but today, those sources are obsolete.
No matter how wonderful your report, there'll always be those supervisors who simply don't have the time to browse the entire report. If it is possible to boil down the information to the main replies, the ones that address the objectives (hmmm, this might be significant ) and present it onto a one-or-two page picture dashboard or scorecard, do it. At a minimum, write an executive summary that includes just the information managers will need to create the business decision in the center of the project. (See #6 below for more information on Executive Summaries.)

Tell an interesting story. Nobody likes to see about data points. Telling a story makes your research results accessible and direct the reader to implementation. Stories are also more memorable, so your findings will become guiding principles for future decisions.
Be brief. Research has demonstrated that we humans are studying less and less. A lot of text on a page can be intimidating and also discourage readership.
Be organized. From the executive summary, present the study results that answer the goals, starting with the most important objective In the comprehensive findings section, keep the identical sequence of information. From the executive summary, it is possible to direct the reader into the proper section of the detailed findings by supplying a page reference, which makes it effortless for them to find the specific information that might interest them.
Put a minimum of methodological information at the beginning. Methodological details are dull for non-researchers. Contain only the details which the reader needs to know to understand the context of the information you are presenting. Who will be the respondents: customers, prospects, the general public? How big is the sample size? How can you collect the data? When was the study conducted? That's the kind of information which will help your reader understand how to translate the results. (See #10 for more details regarding the content of the Appendix.)

Use images rather than words and data when possible. Is a picture worth 1,000 words? It depends upon the words, of course, but the simple fact remains that right pictures can communicate complex concepts efficiently. Particularly for Those individuals That Are reluctant to read, imagery can be a lovely
Make it easy to read your charts. Graphs are frequently the center of advertising research reports, therefore be careful to ensure that they don't confuse your reader.
Use the identical scale on each one of your charts for both axes. If one axis ends in 30% and the next ends at 90 percent, then the reader may not see the difference and might misinterpret the information (especially if they're not carefully reading the report!)
Maintain the same colors on charts throughout. If high Top Box score is blue on a single graph and green on the other, you may confuse your viewers. When the 2014 information are green on one slide and the 2015 information are green on another slide, then it can be misinterpreted. Keep colors consistent to prevent the inadvertent Where possible, use the same color palate as the manufacturers depicted on your report.
Be market research report to include the exact question wording with each graph or table. Frequently while reading research reports (or seeing research demonstrations ) the audience will wonder how the question was worded to assist them understand the information that they are getting. Do not make them search through the questionnaire. Just set the exact question at the bottom of the graph or table.
Make sure to include the base size with each table or graph. Without comprehending that programming logic may affect the base dimensions, readers assume that every respondent answers all questions, again possibly leading to miscommunication. Make sure you include the base sizes in the report.
Utilize the Appendix for"less significant" information. Any information that doesn't directly address the project objectives, for example methodological detail, details regarding your analysis as well as other miscellaneous information, shouldn't enter the primary report. Include it in the end of the report within an Appendix.
While you, as a researcher, might be more comfortable with more detail, so it is your job to generate information accessible to your clients. Using these suggestions will go a very long way to making your research actionable -- along with educational and entertaining.