Vacation Tips For Married Couples

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No matter whether you crave a little or a lot, chocolate is addicted and targets the same area of your brain as heroin does. On top of having an opiate like effect on your brain, chocolate also contains caffeine, theobromine (a stimulant similar to caffeine), phenylethylamine (an amphetamine-like substance) and also traces of compounds similar to THC (the active ingredient in Marijuana). So you are fighting a physically addictive substance here and it shouldn't be taken so light heartedly!

My son is forever losing things. His homework. His library Book. That very important note I was supposed to sign and return. He is also often off-task. Playing Lego's after I asked him to clean his room. Pretending to slay imaginary storm troopers with his wooden spoon light saber, when he should be unloading the dishes. At nine years old I'm figuring he should be able to self-regulate; control his thoughts, his body; manage his time efficiently. Don't all kids know how to do this when they hit age nine? Apparently not. My ranting and raving were to no avail, and only made my son tune me out. So instead of yelling and about what needs to be done, here are three simple ideas I implemented that have really eased the tension.

I did this many years ago, before desktop publishing was so easy. Many software programs can be used. A few examples are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Quark Express, Ndesign and Adobe Photoshop. Today, we also have available many scrapbooking software programs, such as Photoshop Elements. If you are just not computer literate, make the books the old fashioned way - by hand!

During your special holiday, do find the time to enjoy the sights around after you're done with the discussions. This will help you both relax and spend memorable and intimate moments you may have missed for some time owing to your hectic daily schedule. Tour the place and visit spots you've checked out in the past if you're in an old location. This is your official bonding time so make the most of it.

Another way to count down to Halloween and Halloween parties is to make a count down chain. If you begin the last day of September, you can add 31 links for each day in October. Go green and make your strips out of newspaper or magazines. If there are other special events in October, make a note on the strip before you link the chain together. Kids can take turns removing the chain links and reading about what is happening today.

Do you crave chocolate when you are bored, stressed, angry? Find out what triggers your cravings and find something else to overcome the feelings you are having. This can be as easy as allowing yourself time alone to feel the emotion and let it pass, to going for a walk or talking to someone.

Gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. This way you will not feel the drastic symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and will remain motivated.